Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Welcome to the Machine

Welcome my son, Welcome to the Machine.

Remains wholly relevant today, the man is well engrossed in the machine, digging his way to deeper technology with every breath of the word progress. The world certainly does progress on.

"The clock indicates the moment . . . but what does eternity indicate?"

The river flows on forever. It may pass us by, or it may sweep us by in the current. Far beyond where we can conceive our landing, we will land.
We may remain, or we may forget ourselves and our link to eternity, the unbroken chain of success that has led DNA to win over the world with technology and blindness.

Fighting the current is a fruitless endeavor, but am I ready to seize the bank, should it draw close? To draw my way out, and to see what is, what has been, and what will be?

The collective is blind to empathy, the common thread of empathy, of all-one, is more of an all none.
For now, at least.

The world thrives effervescently on.
For now, at least.

Monday, September 7, 2015


I remain convinced. 

If only I could say the same.

The world turns indifferently on,

The clock ticks on, while we amuse ourselves in ever new ways.

The attention is lost to screen world.

The framework of the world remains constant,

while the reference viewpoint shifts.

The bibically granted dominion of mankind over nature pervades.

What dividend does the biodiversity of the earth yield? Something grander than my conception.

If an alien race were to commence observation of mankind now, what would they see?

A world of nations, gradually tying a globalized net of capital closer and closer.

A people divided, without the empathy required to draw themselves closer.

A high degree of entropy, or,
forgetting that to make something you must break something else.

We break the earth in exchange for making technologies. They amuse and confuse us, connect and separate us.


The sea of clouds indifferently blinds mankind, alone atop its mountain, to the path that brought us here.
The path that will bring us home to earth.

"We're lost in space, but the earth is our home" - Steve Miller